Project Stats
537 institutions
650,000 children
Ethiopia is the oldest independent country on the African continent — and it is also the second most populated. Considered by many to have one of the most stable governments within Africa, Ethiopia has still been struck by devastation via both famine and war. There has now been rapid economic growth in Ethiopia over the past decade, but nearly 25% of its citizens live on less than one dollar per day. Poor water access and infectious diseases are leading factors contributing to high infant and childhood mortality rates.
Ethiopia is the second most populated country in Africa
Every government school in Addis Ababa and Bahir Dar
537 institutions
650,000 children
Ethiopia is the 12th largest country in the world by population and the 2nd largest in Africa. Despite significant water scarcity, the capital city of Addis Ababa is growing at 4-5% per year. The vast majority of residents face water shortages, rolling blackouts, and strained services. In our initial baseline survey, water at only 19% of schools tested positive for total coliform, yet only 6% of schools had consistent access to water throughout the week. Access to soap, handwashing facilities, and adequate toilets was extremely limited.
Splash partnered with the Addis Ababa municipal government, which committed $8 million to the Project in Ethiopian Birr terms. In 2021, following the decision to responsibly exit Kolkata, Splash accelerated its plans to expand to a second city in Ethiopia. We selected Bahir Dar based on its relatively large population, high need, and commitment to invest $3.1M in the project.
With almost 10 percent of Africa’s population, Ethiopia’s successes in health and development will have a significant impact on the future of the continent. Ethiopia also has the second-largest youth population in Africa with 58 million people under age 18.
While there are strong national mandates to improve WASH in Schools, cities have insufficient funding for the up-front capital expenditure required to improve WASH infrastructure. They have also lacked an affordable and effective model that can be implemented at scale – until now.
By the end of 2024, Splash will reach 100% of our Project WISE, Phase I target schools—537 schools serving 650,000 students in Addis Ababa and Bahir Dar.
We are also committed to serving the 38 additional schools in Addis Ababa that have opened since we launched Project WISE in 2019. You can help bring clean water, sanitation, hygiene, and menstrual health programs to 41,000 more kids–learn more and donate here!
Having refined the efficacy and cost-effectiveness of our intervention model, we are in a strong position to expand our impact. In addition to serving new schools in Addis Ababa and Bahir Dar, towards true citywide coverage, we have set our sights on replicating our model in Adama and Hawassa in 2024.
These cities have been identified due to their high need, strong support for school WASH, and government willingness to co-invest. Located in different regions across the country, they provide the opportunity to refine our model across diverse contexts towards the creation of a national roadmap for school WASH.
Learn more about Splash's impact here.
"To achieve the goal we set for Education, students need to get the provision of clean water, health and hygiene education and service. Since Splash’s activities are bringing effective results towards these goals, its action should be strengthened and continuous."
100% of kids surveyed prefer dousing each other with water rather than doing schoolwork.