Splash Blog

Articles and information about Splash and the work we do.

Tag: Behavior Change clear

4 of 4 results

January 10, 2024

Unveiling Unconscious Blind Spots A Story of Recognition and Respect

Unveiling Unconscious Blind Spots A Story of Recognition and Respect

In December 2022, Splash’s Director of Behavior Change, Megan Williams, presented at the Social and Behavioral Change Communication Conference, sharing Splash’s journey in recognizing and addressing unconscious biases in program planning and implementation.

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January 9, 2024

Driving Behavior Change Through Human-Centered Design Approaches

Driving Behavior Change Through Human-Centered Design Approaches

As digital communications become more commonplace worldwide, we set out to create video content for kids about topics like safe water, hygiene, menstrual health, and advocacy.

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November 14, 2023

Scaling WASH Programs for a Sustainable Future

Scaling WASH Programs for a Sustainable Future

by Megan Williams

In the realm of global development, initiatives addressing water, sanitation, and hygiene (WASH) play a pivotal role in ensuring a better future for communities, particularly in urban areas.

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